8 Ways to Avoid a Parking Lot Accident

A parking lot may be the last place you think about having an accident.Unfortunately, parking lot accidents are common.Whether you are visiting an auto supply store or a different business, you can decrease your risk of an accident with the following tips: Stay alert to... Read More.

Poor Driving Habits to Avoid

Most drivers like to think that they are good drivers; safe, respectful and in compliance with the rules of the road. But there are a lot of bad habits ingrained in drivers that are quite common and hardly given a second thought – until... Read More.

Smart Driving Wheel Alignment Practices

If you've just returned home after a long road trip, you may want to have your wheel balancing or wheel alignment checked. Especially if you notice your car has started pulling to one side. Loss of the proper wheel alignment or wheel balancing is... Read More.

7 Signals Every Driver Should Know

Have you ever encountered offensive drivers or outright rude people sharing the road with you? How about drivers motioning to you that your roof rack is loose by flapping their arms wildly like dancers on "Soul Train"? Communication between motorists can disintegrate into frantic... Read More.

Get Your Car Connected in the 21st Century

This article originally appeared in the Castrol Crew Blog. The future of driving is on the verge on taking a giant leap forward. We’ve gone well beyond onboard navigation and satellite radio and in the not so distant future, the connectivity features for your car... Read More.

Tire Pressure and the Temperature

Your tires support the weight of your vehicle, right?  Well, actually they don't.  It's the air pressure inside them that actually supports the weight.  Maintaining sufficient air pressure is required if your tires are to provide all of the handling, traction and... Read More.

Fall Travel Tips

Fall presents ideal time for car service and maintenance. As the holidays approach, motorists should make certain their vehicle is up to the rigors of winter travel. Autumn has traditionally been a busy time for carcare activities. Whether you do your own maintenance or... Read More.

Need A Tune Up? Watch out for these 4 Symptoms!

The terminology in your owner's manual referring to a car tune up is now referred to as "maintenance service." However, the purpose remains the same—to keep your car operating at optimum efficiency and safety. The intervals for this maintenance service (or what many drivers... Read More.

Night Driving Guidelines

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nighttime is when 49 percent of fatal crashes happen and when the fatality rate per mile of travel is about three times as high as it is during daytime hours. It is also... Read More.

Driving in Rainy Conditions

A rainy day can be refreshing. Driving in the rain, however, can be quite dangerous so avoid it if you can. You may be a very safe driver, driving defensively and obeying all traffic laws. But what about the other drivers around... Read More.
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