Summer Road Trip Prep: Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

June marks the beginning of road trip season, a time when adventures beckon and the open road awaits. Whether you’re planning a coastal getaway, a mountain retreat, or a cross-country journey, ensuring your vehicle is in top condition is essential for a safe and... Read More.

Signs Your Car Has Pothole Damage

A pothole can be your car’s worst enemy. These holes or pits on a road’s surface can seriously damage a vehicle’s ride control system. If you do drive over a pothole, have your car’s shocks or struts checked to make sure they aren’t damaged. Shocks and... Read More.

Mixing Tires Is a Bad Idea

In a perfect world, all four tires would wear out at the same time and everyone would be able to afford a whole set of tires all at once. Unfortunately, most times things just do not work out that way. Sometimes you may just have to... Read More.

Driving Safely in the Summer Heat

As with any Mississippi summer, you are probably looking for ways to beat the heat!  With temperatures climb higher, we’re all looking for some ways to cool down. Getting into a hot car and taking a long road trip in a warm car can... Read More.

Top 10 Safety Features that Could Save Your Life

Car crashes typically kill between 30,000 and 40,000 people in the United States annually. The most important thing you can do to avoid injury or death in a collision is use your seat belt. Aside from that, there are other important safety devices that... Read More.

Summer Travel With Pets

If you’re taking a road trip this summer and bringing your pets along, please remember your pets have unique travel needs. Dogs as well as other animals are less able to handle heat and dehydrate quickly. When we get hot we sweat, a dog... Read More.

Use an App to Track Your Maintenance

Keeping personal tabs on the work you have done to your car can be a pain. A few of our customers have said they like to keep receipts in the glove compartment so they can look through them when needed, but that's no real... Read More.

Is Your Spare Tire Ready As You Need It?

Rather than have your busy schedule interrupted with an unexpected flat tire, a smart vehicle owner will take a little extra time to take care of any necessary problems with tires before heavy travel season arrives.  Schedule a tire service at your nearby Car Care... Read More.

How Well Do You Love Your Car?

After their home, people's most precious possession is their car.  Some drivers are indifferent towards cars and regard them as a mode of transport only, but these people are very rare.  Most car owners invest a lot of themselves in their car and in... Read More.