Get Your Vehicle’s AC Checked

If you haven’t used your vehicle’s air conditioning system all winter, now is the time to get it checked out before you actually need it in summer. Don’t wait till the 80-degree weather rolls in, because when it does and you have no AC, it’s going to be a long, sweaty and miserable commute. Taking care of AC maintenance in spring will allow you to avoid frustration.  Stop by one of our locations to get an ASE Certified Technician opinion on what we can do to fix your A/C problems.

Why maintaining your AC System is very important:

Heating and A/C systems may break eventually with usage, hose pipes may clog and drip if not serviced, causing reduced efficiency heating and cooling capabilities. Regular maintenance will keep your AC system operating at peak performance.

Indications your A/C system may be having issues

  • If your air conditioning blows only slightly cooler air compared to the exterior air
  • Air that blows in smells damp, musty, or like mildew and mold
  • Your cabin does not warm up in cold weather or is just a little warmer than outside
  • The defroster takes longer than typical to operate, or does not operate
  • Your heater or A/C only functions when driving, not when idling, or quits blowing when the car is stationary
  • Your heating system blows cold air, or the air conditioning blows warm air
  • Low airflow even at the highest fan setting.

What Causes Car AC Problems

The most common causes of AC problems in your vehicle are leaks. This includes other substances, such as water and air, getting inside AC system components due to damaged seals. This also includes situations when the refrigerant (whether it’s Freon or R134A) is leaking out of the system. Aside from leaks, AC system components, such as the compressor or condenser may be failing or malfunctioning.

If your vehicle was built somewhere before 1995, it’s possible the refrigerant used in your AC system is Freon (R-12). Freon was found to have a negative effect on our ozone layer and was eventually phased out. It’s no longer manufactured, so obtaining it may be difficult and expensive. A better solution is to convert your vehicle to use the R134A refrigerant.

A comprehensive evaluation of heating and A/C system includes

  • Examining the internal controls and blower
  • Checking radiator coolant operating temperature, hoses, pressure radiator cap and thermostat
  • Inspecting the compressor belt
  • Inspecting system and seals for leaks or various other damages.
  • A cooling system pressure test
  • Verifying the A/C pressure meets manufacturer specifications
  • Measuring the interior vent air temperature

If you find that your vehicle’s AC system is not performing as desired, contact one of our ASE Certified Technicians. We’ll be able to take a closer look, find leaks, perform refrigerant recharge or replace failing components, depending on what’s causing the issue.

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