Do I Have the Correct Tire Pressure?

Did you know that not all tires are the same and not all vehicles require the same amount of pressure?  It's true.  If you are unsure what your tire pressure should be – rest easy – you are not alone. It is a subject that... Read More.

Car Care from the Inside Out

Window seals hold in your cool air from air conditioning in the warm months and your heat during cold winter months. Seals also keep out dirt, dust, and moisture. A vehicle trunk and moon roof seals also insulate and protect you and your cargo... Read More.

What Air Conditioning Smells Indicate

Normally as a car becomes older, mold, bacteria, fungi and other micro organisms begin to grow. This is especially true in areas rarely accessed such as the vents of the air conditioner and on the evaporate right behind the dashboard. As time passes, there... Read More.

Do I Really Need This Service : Engine Air Filter

The engine air filter may be one of the most up sold items in the entire automotive world. But do you really need to have your air filter replaced? Today we will talk about some of the reasons why you may need a new... Read More.

Do I Really Need this Service: Cabin Air Filter

What is the Pollen or Cabin Air Filter? This filter cleans the air that enters your car. It can remove dust and pollen from the air before it enters the cabin of your car. Think of it just like the filter that you have for... Read More.
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