7 Signs You Might Need New Brakes

When you take a vehicle on the road it is very important for both safety and reliability that it functions properly. This includes having the engine running, the transmission switching gears and the brakes clearly responding. Being able to stop your car in a... Read More.

Do I Really Need This Service : Brake Job

There are a lot of variables that go into making a choice on replacing brakes.  It is not always a cut and dry choice.  Let’s first break down the common types of brake jobs.  Then we will give you some advice on deciding if... Read More.

Do I Really Need This Service: Brake Fluid

Brake Fluid can often be overlooked. Flushing it will not get you better gas mileage. It won't make your neighbor come over and ask if you just detailed the car. That does not mean that you can just pass on doing it. Why would it... Read More.

Brake Replacement: A Job for Professionals

When you step on the accelerator, you expect your car to move forward or backward. The same principle applies when you step on the brake pedal--does your car come to a quick and complete stop? From brake pads to rotors, brake lines to hoses,... Read More.
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