Signs Your Car Has Pothole Damage

A pothole can be your car’s worst enemy. These holes or pits on a road’s surface can seriously damage a vehicle’s ride control system. If you do drive over a pothole, have your car’s shocks or struts checked to make sure they aren’t damaged. Shocks and... Read More.

Vehicle Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is finally here.  It's time to prepare for the warm, sunny days ahead by giving your vehicle a thorough cleaning and inspection.  An exterior car wash is a great way to start, but don’t stop there. Follow these tips to ensure you’re ready for spring... Read More.

Regular Vehicle Maintenance to Avoid Costly Repairs

“Pay now or pay later” may be an annoying cliche, but it really is true when it comes to maintaining your vehicle. If you don’t handle routine vehicle maintenance issues today, you are most definitely going to have something to pay down the road, and it will... Read More.

Winterize Your Car in 10 Steps

Some Mississippi winters can be very mild and some can get down-right frigid.  And if you plan on traveling out of state at any time, you'll want to make sure your vehicle doesn't leave you stranded.  So, here are some winterize tips you can... Read More.

Mixing Tires Is a Bad Idea

In a perfect world, all four tires would wear out at the same time and everyone would be able to afford a whole set of tires all at once. Unfortunately, most times things just do not work out that way. Sometimes you may just have to... Read More.

Is My Car Ready for Summer?

Summer is officially here on June 20th.  Now is the time get outside to enjoy the open road and magnificent views. Being confident in your vehicle's reliability can mean the difference in a fun Summer road trip and a miserable one. Here are some tips for... Read More.

Do I Have the Correct Tire Pressure?

Did you know that not all tires are the same and not all vehicles require the same amount of pressure?  It's true.  If you are unsure what your tire pressure should be – rest easy – you are not alone. It is a subject that... Read More.

Do I Really Need This Service : Tires

If you want to learn a little more about tires, check out "Know Your Tires". That article breaks down the parts of tires, how to read the sizes, and tons more great information. Why are tires important? Consider that your tires provide 100% contact with the... Read More.

Know Your Tires

Understanding what each part of a tire does is very important. There are some parts that we don’t really need to worry about. For example, you will never need to know or care about a “gum strip” on the inside of a tire. So,... Read More.

The Spin on Rotating Your Tires

Even with four identical tires on your car, various factors will cause each of them to wear differently. Tire rotation helps equalize wear by allowing each tire to serve in as many wheel positions as possible. Evenly worn treads keep tires performing the same... Read More.
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