Ways to Keep Your Transmission Healthy

We all want to keep our vehicles running better and longer. Your transmission needs care and maintenance just like your engine. 10 Ways to Prolong Your Transmission Check transmission fluid regularly and properly. Check transmission fluid after running while it’s hot in the engine. Stop and go... Read More.

8 Ways to Avoid a Parking Lot Accident

A parking lot may be the last place you think about having an accident.Unfortunately, parking lot accidents are common.Whether you are visiting an auto supply store or a different business, you can decrease your risk of an accident with the following tips: Stay alert to... Read More.

More Ways to Save Gas Between Pump Visits

We asked some of our customers how they are able to save money by going longer between pump visits. Here are some of the responses we received. Track Your Mileage in Real Time Knowing what your consumption looks like from tank-to-tank is important, but that's really... Read More.
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