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Tips to Avoid Holiday Traffic

From all of us at Car Care Clinic, Happy Holidays! This season is one of the busiest for holiday travel. And with unpredictable weather and road conditions across the country, long road trips can be stressful. Before you head out for your holiday road trip... Read More.

Improving Fuel Economy in Cold Weather

Cold weather can damage your car in many ways. It can also harm fuel economy, thus taking money right out of your pocket.  Did you know that for short-trip driving, a conventional gasoline car’s gas mileage is about 12% lower at 20°F than it... Read More.

Winterize Your Car in 10 Steps

Some Mississippi winters can be very mild and some can get down-right frigid.  And if you plan on traveling out of state at any time, you'll want to make sure your vehicle doesn't leave you stranded.  So, here are some winterize tips you can... Read More.

Signs that your Heater is Failing

With the outside temperatures steadily dropping, the daily commute to school and work can be a little hazardous. Not only are the road conditions tricky but, the parts and pieces of your car might not be working properly. One of the most important parts of your... Read More.

Know the Dangers of Fall Driving

While you do everything possible to keep your car in good condition, this doesn’t mean you are immune to mistakes on the roadway.  As a driver, there are things you can do to prevent accidents. During the fall months, there are many dangers to be... Read More.

How Often Should Spark Plugs Be Replaced?

Vehicle manufacturers make much of the fact that their products come equipped with extended-life spark plugs that can maintain a precise gap for 100,000 miles. However, before you wait that long to replace them, you should bear in mind that spark plugs that hit... Read More.

October is Fall Car Care Month

October is Fall Car Care Month! It's probably not the most exciting thing on your calendar. However, it could be one of the most important times of the year for your car or truck. A well cared for car or truck is a happy car or... Read More.

Mixing Tires Is a Bad Idea

In a perfect world, all four tires would wear out at the same time and everyone would be able to afford a whole set of tires all at once. Unfortunately, most times things just do not work out that way. Sometimes you may just have to... Read More.

Spend Less Time Car Shopping

There aren’t many people who look forward to the car buying experience. In fact, most people hide from this for as long as possible. If you are one of these people, if you are dreading the shopping experience, it is time to take a different... Read More.

Benefit from a Regular Tire Rotation

When it comes to car maintenance, there are many things you should be doing. This includes regular tire rotation. While this may not sound like a big deal, there are several reasons why you cannot afford to overlook this service. 1. Extended Tire Tread... Read More.
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