Maximizing Fuel Efficiency During Winter Months

As winter descends, we often find ourselves spending more on fuel. Lower temperatures can significantly affect your vehicle’s fuel efficiency, making it one of the many expenses that increase during the chilly season. However, you don’t have to break the bank to keep your... Read More.

Tips to Avoid Holiday Traffic

From all of us at Car Care Clinic, Happy Holidays! This season is one of the busiest for holiday travel. And with unpredictable weather and road conditions across the country, long road trips can be stressful. Before you head out for your holiday road trip... Read More.

Improving Fuel Economy in Cold Weather

Cold weather can damage your car in many ways. It can also harm fuel economy, thus taking money right out of your pocket.  Did you know that for short-trip driving, a conventional gasoline car’s gas mileage is about 12% lower at 20°F than it... Read More.

Winterize Your Car in 10 Steps

Some Mississippi winters can be very mild and some can get down-right frigid.  And if you plan on traveling out of state at any time, you'll want to make sure your vehicle doesn't leave you stranded.  So, here are some winterize tips you can... Read More.

Signs that your Heater is Failing

With the outside temperatures steadily dropping, the daily commute to school and work can be a little hazardous. Not only are the road conditions tricky but, the parts and pieces of your car might not be working properly. One of the most important parts of your... Read More.

8 Facts and Myths About Warming Up Your Car in Winter

Should you warm up your car in winter? It's common practice, but you may be surprised at the consequences. Old habits die hard, and one of the oldest—still rigorously enforced by many drivers—is that "warming up" the car for a few minutes is... Read More.

Winterization Tips

Winter is the enemy of the car. Cold temperatures make it harder for an engine to work properly. Snow and ice limit traction. Potholes damage wheels and tires. Salt causes rust and gravel pits the paint. But there are things you can do to... Read More.
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