Do I Have the Correct Tire Pressure?

Did you know that not all tires are the same and not all vehicles require the same amount of pressure?  It's true.  If you are unsure what your tire pressure should be – rest easy – you are not alone. It is a subject that... Read More.

The Spin on Rotating Your Tires

Even with four identical tires on your car, various factors will cause each of them to wear differently. Tire rotation helps equalize wear by allowing each tire to serve in as many wheel positions as possible. Evenly worn treads keep tires performing the same... Read More.

Tire Pressure and the Temperature

Your tires support the weight of your vehicle, right?  Well, actually they don't.  It's the air pressure inside them that actually supports the weight.  Maintaining sufficient air pressure is required if your tires are to provide all of the handling, traction and... Read More.
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